† Entirely (non-denominational) non-sectarian and non-profitable making organization, is solely for the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Evangelism, open-air crusades and distribution of Christian Literature. The Church has MEMBERS, not PARTAKERS that is to say the whole universal Church of the Living God live as brothers and sisters, and that all people are always welcome, regardless of the denomination they belong.
Anytime, you're always welcome here at the tabernacle, where we have no creed but Christ, no law but love, no book but the Bible.
Rev. William Marrion Branham
† This Church always looks to the BIBLE and THE MESSAGE (Malachi 4) as its guide in all spiritual matters and fully subscribe to the fundamental truth and the standard of Christian Doctrine and principles as set forth by God.
† We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the only final authority in all matters. John 1:1, 2Tim 3:1b.
† We believe in the apostolic church and its teaching for the people. We believe that all the signs and wonders that was spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ would accompany His church until He returns. Mark 16:16-17
† We believe in justification by faith. Romans 5:1
† We believe the blood sanctifies the believer for the service of the Lord. Hebrews 13:12-13.
† We also believe that after a person has been sanctified then he is a candidate for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
† We believe in water Baptism by immersion in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.(Acts 2:38, 8:12-16, 10:47-48, 19:1-5)
You’ve got to thoroughly be sorry for your sins. Then when you know that you’re sorry for your sins, and then “Repentance, and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and you shall receive forgiveness, receive the Holy Ghost.” See, just simple, God has made it so simple.
Rev. William Marrion Branham (61-0108 – Revelation, Chapter Four #3)
† We believe that Christ Jesus is the only true God. 1st Timothy 3:16
In a body, He was Man. I believe, in His soul, He was God. He was God’s manifestation here on earth. “God was in Christ, reconciling (Him) the world to Himself.” I believe that He was not just a mere man, neither was He a prophet. He was God, Emmanuel. I believe, with all my heart, that being true.
Rev. William Marrion Branham (57-0120E – God Keeps His Word)
† We believe that without divine LOVE, no man can get passport to heaven.
† We believe that Christ is the sole Founder and the Head of this Church, which is His Body. Matt 16:18, Col 1:18, Eph 1:22:23
† We believe in salvation by grace through faith in the finished work of God through Jesus Christ. Eph 2:8-9, Romans 10: 9-10.
† We believe in holiness and purity Matt 5:48, Hebrews 12:14, 1st Peter 1:15
† God by foreknowledge, not by his desire, predestinated a people to be saved. He saw who would accept him and who would not. When you were born into the world, you had the seed of representation of predestination. Which means God knew you would want to be saved, so he had it prepared for you. Romans 8:29
We find out then that a seal means that “it is a finished thing with God, it’s already settled.” And every believer was sealed with this promise from the very beginning, because before the foundation of the world we were predestined unto the adoption of sons. Before the world ever began! Oh, what a hope. That makes us rest stedfast and sure. A anchor to the soul that’s not tossed about here and there, but anchored in Christ, a hope that’s sure. “Predestinated us before the foundation of the world, to the adoptions of sons by Jesus Christ.” Oh, how wonderful! I love that: “finished work” with God.
Rev. William Marrion Branham (61-0611 – Revelation, Chapter Five #1)
† We believe the opening of the Word builds another person in the image of the person you are, around that life. This brings you into the nature of God, which will take us to the place to be adopted into the family of God, which is the same as Matthew 17 of Jesus Christ. This brings the manifestation of the Sons of God. 2nd Peter 1:5 – 7
Godliness means “to be like God.” Oh, my! After you got faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, then be like God. Whew!
Rev. William Marrion Branham (62-1014M – The Stature Of A Perfect Man)
† We believe in a true fivefold ministry, one that will take the message of the hour, and break it down to the people. They are not to rule (nicolaity), but to lead them to the correct revelation of God. For as Paul said in Ephesians 4:11 – 12 that the 5-Fold Ministry was for the perfecting of the saints.
How many believes that gifts and callings are without repentance? The Bible said there’s five gifts in the church. God has set in the church Apostles, or missionaries, apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors. Truly. If there’s apostle, there’s a prophet. If there’s a prophet, there’s a teacher. If there’s a teacher, there’s a pastor or a evangelist. See. You can’t just say there’s a pastor and evangelist, no prophet or apostle. God still sets… As long as He’s got His church, He’s still got His church setting. Certainly.
Rev. William Marrion Branham (58-0518 – Tested Faith Produces Goods)