AFTER DEATH, WHAT NEXT? (And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this ………….. Hebrew 9:27)
What goes on beyond the grave? Or do you remain in the grave after you’re buried? Many people believe that the grave is the end, there is nothing to it. They say you become wind after you die. Is this really true? Does the Bible really teach so? My dear beloved friend let’s be vigilant and alert, for the scriptures don’t contradict. But rather scriptures explain each other. And it takes the Holy Spirit which wrote the Bible to give us the revelation to it.
May be it is judgment that you don’t believe is there, but for death I hope you’ve seen people and heard people die. Then, if so, why don’t you believe judgment too? For He says, “after, then the judgment”. So if He says men would die, we’ve seen it happen, then if He talks about judgment too then that too must be true. Yes, Beloved!
Don’t listen to such conversation, as that. Is the grave the end of man after he dies, if you die, is that the end? Look the scripture says such conversation is an “evil communication” and it destroys good character. Because of such conversation, that’s why many don’t strive to lead good lives but do everything they feel and think it’s right. They hide in darkness and commit all sort of evil, abort babies, smoke, drink, fornicate, steal, murder and so on. But the Bible categorically and emphatically states it that “we shall appear before the judgment seat of God”. 2Cor5:10 see? And also that “the Lord numbers the steps of man…” and seals up every sin that you do in a bag and sew up every iniquity that you commit, waits for your day of death and judgment. Job 14:16, Prov 5:21, Job 31:4, Jer 32:19, Psa 62:12, Rev 22:12 says “Behold I come quickly …” what are your works? What do you do with your life here on earth? What and whom are you living for? In Rev 14:13 says “And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead in the Lord from henceforth: Yea the Spirit saith, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. ”
Your works are the good or evil things you are doing. The life you’re living when you die in that, will it glorify the Lord? This is the time for you to do something about your situation; you can’t have any change of mind when you enter into the grave and your soul appointed a place beyond the grave. There is no bribery, there is no pleading beyond the grave, and there is no mercy, no repentance, beyond the grave. Your repentance and plead won’t be accepted just like that rich man, then. Neither hope nor chance for you any longer when you get there. Job 36:5-18, Job34:11, Lk16:19-31. This is the time of grace. (Eccl 9:10; Isa 1:19,20;Ps 95:7,8).
There is nothing like purgatory where a priest will come and pray for your soul to be taken from and sent to paradise. Ps49:6-8, Ps49:16-20; Because God knows that, He keeps warning us in many ways, through His servants, by the preaching of the word, in our own dreams, yet, we refuse to keep heed. Dreams are ways by which God speaks to us a lot, but we fail to understand. Any weakness you see yourself in, in a dream, or danger, that’s what God is telling you, that your soul is in jeopardy, if you die in that state. You could dream to have lotto numbers and if you stake, you win; you see? So it is if you see anything terrible in your dream, that talks about the condition of your inner man, the soul, and so shall it come to pass at the end of the road if you fail to do something about it. Sure!
Look where your treasure is, there shall your soul also be. So the condition of your soul, it’s in the place where your treasure is stored. Take your dreams serious and pray hard about them and ask God what are they for, for they are His warnings to you. Job 14:18. God wants to draw you from your evil purpose, or work. What you are thinking so much about to do or have: He is telling you it won’t help you. Don’t have that as your treasure.
Don’t be deceived or fooled and then be fooled at the end of the road, for Paul said “if the dead be not raised…” come back to yourself now and awaken unto righteousness and refuse to listen to those evil communications. That when a man dies he becomes just like the animals, for man is an animal. Yes, Sir. That is true. But man has a soul, animals don’t have souls, they have spirits that make them exist, but not a soul. Man has a soul, which is the likeness and image of God. That soul has a resurrection, but then, there are two places for it to go after death; either the Presence of the Lord or a place of torment called hell or Hades. One place for the righteous and another place for the wicked. Death only change our dwelling place, just like moving from one place to other (from London to New York).
Jesus gave us the Parable of the two places, the story of the Richman and Lazarus. Psa14:34, Ps 49:14-20. There is a hotel to rest in and a prison remand to be tormented in. Yes, really – some are in God’s hotel, a temporary place before they shall be given their permanent home. And some souls are also in a prison – the abyss, bottomless pit, the prison house of torment where the devil and his angels are kept for their final doom. Every one of us has our influences from those two places. 2Pet2:4-9.
You see? From the verse 10-17 it clearly states that certain humans that are living such lives as they lived in the days of Noah and Lot are also reserved in the mist of darkness forever – you see? For a space of time, so that they can be brought to judgment. Isaiah 28:18-20, describes the laws of torment that goes on there in the mist of darkness of reservation. The soul shall suffer in the grave or hell. Job14:21, 22, Ps 30:9, 6:5, Ps 115:17.
There is a place where our souls are kept. And there is one that keeps it, which is God. And He decides where to keep it. Depending on the work it has done, whether good or bad. Ps24:12. So Jesus said, don’t fear He that can kill the body and can’t Kill the soul, but rather fear Him that could “kill and destroy the soul in hell”. See? Your soul! Are you thinking about it? It’s a very fearful thing to fall in the hands of God for there will be none to plead your cause then 1Sam2:25, Heb 10:31, Isaiah 33:13–16, Job 34:10-32, Matt 10:28
Remember, Job said, all flesh shall perish, that beastly nature, not the soul. For the soul is of God. And the Bible says it goes back to God. Then He decides what to do with it or where to place it. Dust to the dust and the spirit to God who gave it. Eccl 12:7, Gen2:7. Remember, death is a change of countenance, then you’re send away into another world. Job 14:20. You are somewhere apart from this physical world, either in torment or comfort, till the resurrection when you shall be called as Lazarus was called and you shall answer.
Job 14:1-15. Look at the comparison Job made here between a tree and a man. As the tree has hope, though dead, but He says it has hope when it scents water to live again and such is the hope of a dead man. He is no where to be found on this earth under the sun. He becomes a ghost – “כsaman” –“ wasa wo oman no mu”. He has vanished from this earth among the physical life. The body lies in the grave, but rotten. If a man dies shall he live? Then He said, all the days of my “appointed time” The number of years given to man to live is 70years, “will I wait, till my change come”, death, transition. Then He said “Thou shalt call and I will answer” No wonder Paul said “The Lord Himself shall come with a shout…” 1Thess 4:13 – 18. See those that shall rise first. “The dead in Christ”. Then what of the others? Rev 20:4–6. You’re not all gone when you die. Death is just like a long time sleep, which takes someone to come wake you up. It must be the one who needs you – No wonder Job said, “thou will desire to the work of thy hands”. And we’re the work of his hands. Job 33:4
More scriptures are there to make things clear, but this small tract can’t hold it up. Eccl 9:4-6. Show that the one that is living still have a chance to repent, it’s not too late for this. But it is too for those who are dead. They can’t come back, to live the good life they refused to live. They are waiting for their reward or punishment. There’s nothing they can do under the sun. From here they are forever gone, they can’t return. They have no chance.
Don’t forget there are two places to go, after death. But those in Hades, hell are really suffering and there’s nothing of it like on the earth. You’ll know and believe it like the rich man and Lazarus when you’re gone.
Samuel’s story after His death proves this. For He told Saul why have you disquieted me, to bring me up? He loved the comfort he was having then, so he was mad at Saul for disturbing him and not desiring to be worried by him any longer he made him to come join him there with his sons. Oh, my! 1Sam 28:7-29
And Jesus after His death went to hell, to preach the gospel to the souls, remember, “souls that were in prison”. These were in prison. And you know the condition of a prison house. Oh, my! Discomforts 1Pet 3:18–22.
Brother, sister, what are you waiting before you repent and accept Christ, and live for Him alone. Life is to see Christ, not to have fun and pleasure.
Why don’t you seek for that which abides eternally and lean yourself on that and be free? The Word of God. Isa 40: 6 -8, 1 Pet 1: 22 – 25; Isa 55:1-7. All beauty and pleasant things in this world passes away, only the Word will remain. The dead really shall live again, but where? Is the problem. For the saints shall have eternal life, but sinners shall be eternally destroyed. 1Cor 15:32–58. The truth is we shall not all die, but we shall all be changed. The carnal or natural or physical body will go away then we shall put on a spiritual or heavenly body just like that of Christ. Ph 3:20, 21, 1Jn3:2. God bless you richly. Amen