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Covering – What Is The True Bible Way? (1cor 11:2-16)

In the whole wide world and in the course of religion, especially the Christendom, this subject has become a great controversy as to what it means to cover the head. But this should not be the case, because the argument or debate does not lie in as to cover the hair, but the HEAD. It is to cover the head not the hair, which is on the head. So the question is as to what would we do to the head to show that it is covered? The problem is not still not resolved because others think that the issue is about covering the HAIR, which is why the confusion still stands.

But thanks be to God that others, even the Pentecostal churches are coming to that knowledge of the truth. For they are now out to testify that the veil that they taught their congregation was the true covering or the head gear as they so claimed sometime ago was not Biblical. They shall also come out to say that the Lord supper, communion, is indeed to be taken in the evening and not the morning. Whether they like it or yes, as they are studying they shall come to that and the rest of all the true Bible doctrines, even they shall recognize that the way they have taught their people so much to believe that speaking tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Ghost isn’t true, what they so speak and so much believe as tongue, they shall know it is false. Oh, yes.

So the scripture says, they shall come to seek the oil, but it might be too late then. Brethren, why don’t you get into the ark now, the message of the hour, handed to us by God’s servant and our Prophet, William Marrion Branham? The church who once taught he was a false Prophet or that he sinned and God killed him, are now coming to the realization that his teachings were right. So it is anytime God sends a Prophet he is not accepted, until he is gone before the people begin to realize that he was really sent by God and that they didn’t make any mistake by what they had taught, but the truth have they spoken. Amen. Matt23:29-36

Now to our lesson, the Bible is talking about covering the HEAD. But it is due to ignorance and lack of revelation, that’s why they say it is not good for a man to wear a hat when he is coming to church or into the presence of the Lord. And a woman must put on a hat or headdress or headgear, when she is coming to the house of God. But if I may ask, if God says He hates something, does He only hates it when the thing is brought into His presence, or He hates it everywhere? Answer that you who feel that a woman could take of the headdress when she is not in the Church and a man can put on a hat when he is not in church.

And if that is really true that a man don’t have to put on a hat when he is in the presence of God or when he is coming to church, then what about the Priests in the Old Testament, who served before the Lord in the Holiest of holies, for they had turbans or mitres as part of their prescribed dressing, before they can appear before the Lord-Ezk28:1-5. Where is your argument then? Or you don’t know what a hat or a turban is? By definition, it is a man’s headdress of cloth wound around the head; just like a woman’s hat or headdress. Just like the Arabs do, see? There you are.

And don’t forget where these Priests were going to stand to minister, the Holiest of holies, right in the Presence of God. Think about that, now. The King James Version calls it MITRE, meaning “a pointed headdress of Bishops; joined with tapered ends that form a right angle”. Just like that of the Catholic Priests. So it isn’t wrong for a man to put on such headdress in church. Just look at the Rabbis and Pharisees and even the Jews who gave us the true religion, they do that too. The men, not when they are out of the synagogue, but right in there. Where is your debate then? And remember that God doesn’t change.

He is the same and His council is the same, and ever the best-Num23:19, Ps33:8-11. Let’s look at what the issue is as we read Ezk44:15-21. It says the Priests must not shave their hair and not also let it grow too long, but they must trim it. What a matter. How possible, you may ask. Yes, it is. For the answer lies right in there, for He said, but they must trim it. And another word for trim is to shorn, and these are the same act, of cutting. But to shave is to scrape off, growing hair of the skin or to clear the chin of hair. Do you get it now? They must not cut all their hair from their head. Why because by so doing they uncover their heads and defile their Nazarene vow.

To trim or shorn or sheared means to cut short with shears or scissors, that is in order to prevent the hair from growing too long, they must cut it, shape it or dress it with scissors, just like you do the hedges or flowers. So they are not to cut off all their hair from their head and they are also not to allow their hairs to grow too long, why because a man ought not to have long hair, but a woman. And if they do have long hair that would make them look like women, in the Pulpit, but God is not an author of confusion. Hence, they must trim it, as men or Priests of the Most high God who they are His image and representatives.

But a woman does not have to do that, because a woman ought to have long hair, for that is her glory or self-pride. That is why Paul said, she must not shorn it or if she want to shorn or trim it then let her have it shaved, that is cleared, scraped off all her hair from her head so that her head will be bear, bald, slick or “sakora”. Yes, right 1Cor11:3-10

But because women by nature must have long hair, it is a shame unto her to do that, for by so doing she takes her power and glory away. And she is become filthy and dishonorable before God. It is a disgrace for her to cut her hair, so Paul said, “let her be covered, for her HAIR, not her headdress or hat, is GIVEN to her as a covering”. So woman see why God gave you that hair? It is to cover your head, not for beautifying yourself so that you treat or turn it any way you like so that you can look beautiful and use is to attract men or become an indebtedness to them, like the daughters of Zion and Jezebel did- 1Kg9:30, Isa4:16-24, Ezk13:17-21, 1Pt3:1-4. Am not saying don’t be pretty, no my sister. For it is a natural instinct in every woman to be pretty. Oh, yes. That is the truth. So I say be pretty but be natural. Nothing artificial, at all.

Don’t look like the world in your dressing as a daughter of God. So from what Paul has said, a woman, therefore, must not uncover, cut, break, tear or shorn or trim her hair. Do you see it now? It is a shame to see a woman who has shorn or trimmed her hair, for nature itself teaches that when a woman has long hair, it is her glory. For women by nature love to have long hair, why then sister? Are you trying to cut of your hair and be like man? Are you also deceived like Samson? Think deeply for that is not just natural, the devil is behind that, making you to destroy your own glory and power. Your hair is so precious, don’t joke with it. Know how to keep it to please God who gave it to you, for a covering. Not to attract or please men. No! you cause them to sin. Lk17:1, Matt5:27

If we have seen that the hair is the covering for a woman then to uncover a woman simply would simply mean, to shave or cut or loosen her hair head. And the Bible says it is a shame. Why? Because in the Old Testament to uncover or for a woman to shave her hair, is a sign of her having committed adultery, or that she was taken captive in a war and it a sign of humiliation, and any man that desires her can have sex with her, without any problem-Num5:11-18, Deut21:10-14. That’s why Paul was saying “IT IS A SHAME”, you are humiliated and you are seen as a “for free woman”, an immoral one of course. Even, a priest is not to do that, but to differentiate a man from a woman he has to trim his that it must not look as that of a woman. See the wisdom of God? They must not wear their hair like that of the women, for the scriptures says it is a shame for a man to have long hair, for that makes him look like a woman.

You that want to call yourself a RASTA man, and have allowed your hair to grow like that, thinking that you are doing it unto the Lord, the Bible says that is a shame. For those you are trying even to imitate did not do it that way. Paul had a Nazarene vow and when he got the revelation about what it is, he went to cut it because the vow was ended, he was not under the law, but now an apostle and Prophet and even a teacher, so he went to take it off, as the law required-Ac18:18. Look at how the KJV puts it, “shorn his Head”. So he trimmed it, shape it, so that it doesn’t look too long as that of a woman-Ac21:18-24, 1Cor9:17-27.

So you see that the matter is about covering the head and not the hair, and the covering for the head is the hair. There are three identifications that show the difference between a man and a woman. These are the HAIR, DRESSING and the BODY. Yes, sir! God made a different cloth for both sex, that is why He said a man must not put on a woman’s clothing, neither must a woman wear a man’s garment, for it is an abomination unto the Lord-Gen3:21, Deut22:5. The body features are also not the same. The woman is a different temple. Her body is different from that of the man, very attractive and tempting than anything else. In all creation, the male is prettier than the female, but in the human race, the woman, the female, was made prettier than the male. Why, because she was made to attract, to deceive. And remember she wasn’t an original creation but a by-product of the man. Man was once masculine and feminine, but was separated. So to see a man trying to behave or have some features like a woman then it means something is wrong. And in the same vein any woman that tries to look like a man, wear his clothes and things it shows there is something naturally wrong with that woman. Something is not ringing well.

So to show the difference, a man must cut his hair, because of Christ, in Christ there is both male and female, so in Christ we are one. Christ is all in all, both Father and Mother, man is no more like that, so he must cut his hair and the woman keep hers, for that is a sign of submission, subjection or reverence to her husband or the man, or the ministers, or the angels of God. Where the Bible says the woman must cover her head because of the angels, this, the meaning. Not heavenly ANGELS, but because of the Priest, in the Pulpit so that they may not look the same, the Priest must shorn his so that he may not look like a woman in the Pulpit. And woman who is supposed to look pretty and have her hair all shaved, is a shame. So let her have her covering.

For a woman who cuts her hair is dishonorable and it means she do not want to be under the authority of the man. But rather to invade, usurp, take over illegitimately or illegally all the positions or places of the man, even unto the pulpit her forbidden place. She is become arrogant and full of pride, not having the Spirit of God in her no matter how much she tries to deny it. She is now become demon possessed, and doesn’t even know it. Because the Spirit of God is humble and does whatever the word of God says, just like Jesus did what always pleases the Father, because He had the Spirit of God upon Him-Jn14:15.

And any man that wears long hair is a disgrace and disappointment and great indebtedness to mankind. For he becomes a SISSY- a man with female characteristics, or features, he has no backbone. And God is not an author of confusion, but of order. So Paul said in 1Cor11:16, about this issue that, “if any man is disposed to be contentious, we recognize no other practice, nor do the churches of God”. So all true churches of God know this practice, that a woman must wear long hair and not cut her hair. Does your church knows and practice this fundamental doctrine of the Bible? If not, then excuse me to say you have found yourself at the wrong place, for Luther, Wesley and all the great men of old taught and believed this. That is right – “FOR WE RECOGNIZE NO OTHER”. See? If just this basic thing and your church is confused about then what about the deep things of God. They have become just as Peter said-“… these things; in which there are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable twist, as they do also the other scriptures, to their own destruction”. 2Pt3:16.


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