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But I Suffer Not, A Woman To Preach!

What does the footprint, the Bible, says about women pastors? Others try to say these scriptures 1Cor14:34-37, 1Tm2:9, doesn’t really mean what they say here because the Bible talks about women who were with Jesus and Paul during their evangelism. The question is did they really preached or evangelized as they did? Read Lk8:1-3. See what they did? They helped the Lord with their substance. That is, they gave him food to eat, water to drink, bought or sew clothes for him and many others.

Others argue that to prophesy means to teach or to preach, so if the Bible says women shall receive the gift of prophecy, then she can preach. But do they forget that this prophecy of Joel 2:28, was fulfilled in the days of the apostles and these apostles didn’t allow women to be preachers nor even elected them as deacons. Some says there was one woman who was elected as a deacon called Phebe, because Paul mentioned that she was a servant of the church at Cenchrea, and the word deacon means “a servant”, and since a deacon can teach or preach, then this woman was doing the same. But how could PAUL allow a woman to preach or teach in the church, while he knows the consequences of doing such a thing as that.
For he wrote, “but though we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed”. And even when you continue to read that scripture, you’ll find out that, that woman just like Priscilla and Aquila, were helpers or supporters of Paul, just like those women who walked with Jesus. She might have even been one who washed the feet of the saints, a woman of good works and of good character, she was, not as these immoral ones today who are seeking equal rights with men which the Bible is against (1Tm5:9,10; 1Pt3:1-6; Eph5:22-24; 1Cor11:1-3). What is a servant up to? Is it to preach? Is preaching the only way to serve? No! of course it is also a way of serving.

When the deacons were first chosen, they were chosen to serve the church, but none of them was a woman. This was because, a woman is not to usurp authority or rule over the man, in any way not even at home let alone the house of God, the church. Acts6:1-7. That’s why Paul knowing very well that Prophecy also means “to preach or teach”, and the people will try to argue it out and make and build a whole lot of theology around that, he added “BUT…”, see? If to prophesy or prophecy means to teach or preach and women would try to preach because they claim to have the gift of prophecy – he said I know that as scholar too, yes of course he was a scholar for once who studied under Gamaliel, but now as a prophet and an apostle of God , says “BUT” I suffer not or I do not allow a woman to teach.

And he said, if any man be a little spiritual or even a prophet he should acknowledge that it is the Lord that says so and not him. So any that will ignore it and allow her to teach or preach is doomed, for he shall also be ignored by the Lord. So God don’t know those Pastors who allow women to be Pastors in their churches, no matter the great things they are doing in His name that they feel that they are alright. Matt7:21; 1Tm6:3-7; 1Pt2; Rom16:18.

She can have the gift of prophecy, but she can’t be a preacher by that gift, let her prophesy, THAT IS, foretell what is about to come, then after remain to her seat, not to pick a Bible then quote a scripture and try or begin to preach. No! for she is to learn to be silent in the church, be submissive, for the Bible says, it is even a shame for her to try to speak in the church let alone for her to preach. The underlined word is “BUT”. You see? Showing a disapproval, something she can’t do no matter what she does or tries to do about it, she is not permitted to do that.

Some says in Christ we’re all one, there’s no male or female, so that law of gender is no more effective. See how ignorant people could be. For even that scripture in Galatians came before, that in Timothy, and not only that but the apostles didn’t allow the women to preach being aware of that scripture in Galatians3:28,29. But the question is though the scripture says that we’re one, are we all now of the same sex or features or of the same strength and nature? Think about that too. And look at the content of that scripture carefully before you draw that conclusion. For Paul added, “as also says the LAW”, that’s the Old Testament. So it is not changed! For Jesus said he didn’t come to come to condemn the law but to magnify it, fulfill it. And Paul said, God is not a God of confusion but of ORDER, so though we are all one in Christ yet everyone has got his or her position, 1Cor12:27-31 in the church and the women are to be silent in all churches, and men are to pray everywhere, the saints are gathered, 1Tm2:8.

About one of the Seven Churches in Rev 2:18-23, God says that because they have allowed a woman to lead his people he shall put her to death and those who were in that church who allowed her to preach and listened to her preaching. Brother, sister do you see how serious the case is about women preachers? Not only her shall be killed but all that listened to her. So Ezekiel was asked to prophesy against such women, and Isaiah was told to tell the people that such A WAY causes them to err or go astray, from the truth,(Ezk13:17-23; Isa3:12).

Don’t talk about those women who first saw Jesus after His resurrection or the woman at the well as preachers for they only sent a message or went to witness about Jesus. The charge was given to the men so they were asked to go to meet him.

Why don’t you get away from such churches that don’t go according to THE BIBLE WAY and ask of the true Bible believing church and worship with them and save your soul. Don’t debate about Debora for she wasn’t a priest but a judge, though she was a prophetess she didn’t serve as a priest, but held her position and judge Israel through a spokesman.
No prophetess in the Bible served as a priest in the sanctuary, but was in subjection in all things. (Acts21:8,9; Lk2:36-38).The priesthood was only given to the son of Aaron. Signifying that only men are permitted to that office. For Aaron had daughters who were also holy but they were not allowed to do that. No wonder Paul said not to “USURP”, for the word usurp means “to take the place of somebody illegally, or to take somebody’s position or power without having the right to do that”. See? That is not her place or position, so it is illegal, not lawful for her to do that for the law doesn’t allow her.

No wonder Paul said “as also says the Law,” the Word of God. No matter how you try to explain it out, that prophecy or exhortation means “earnest sermon”, you can’t succeed and you know better than that, for HE says upon all that she can do or have, “BUT I SUFFER NOT A WOMAN to teach or to usurp authority over a man” . PERIOD. So having the gift of prophecy doesn’t make you a preacher, even as a man, let alone a woman, for the gift of prophecy is not a ministry or calling but a gift which can leave you at any time to another person. Take note. God bless you for reading this tract diligently. Hear the Spirit’s call. Amen!


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