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The Flashing Red Light of the sign of His Coming


We often hear the blast from people who are not even ministers nor Christians that, “we are at the end time, Jesus will come very soon.” Yet we do not see the clouds wide open and Christ sitting on a white horse or with the clouds coming, with the saints as the Bible says. No! Even recently we have had some so-called prophets giving us the date, day and the time that He is coming. We don’t even know why these people are saying so. Whether it is just because they have read it from the scriptures or that they have seen a vision of His coming? Well it may be anyone of such reasons. But the fact is that people are just having a zeal without knowledge or wisdom, they are only believing unto a belief, but frankly speaking they don’t know the truth of the matter, that’s why some would like to give dates and whatsoever. No true believer would ever do such a thing, because the word says “that day and that hour knows no man”, but blessed would be that servant who would be on guard and not sleep, the one who would watch so that he would not be taken unaware-(Mtt24:36,46). Anyone who believes whatever he says would make ready for it. But these people who say these things do not have their lives tallying up with the word or what they say. They make a profession without possession.-(Tit1:16, 2Tm3:5)

If you have ever been to the train station you would understand what I’m saying. If you go to the train station to board a train, you will see people sitting down or standing aloof, you could even see others sleeping somewhere in a corner, you will see others reading a graphic, another going across the street to get some peanuts and still others standing somewhere chatting or arguing about something. But all of a sudden you would see everybody stop whatever he or she is doing, take the hands from the pocket, awaken from the sleep the one who was sleeping, stop the conversation no matter what kind of matter they were talking about, then begin to pack their luggage and baggage, and moves to the bus stop in desperation. Why? Because, a sign had been given and no matter whoever believed it or not, if they really meant to get on board that train, they stop whatever they are doing, leave whatever condition they were in then come to stand and wait for the train. Why?

Why? They had seen a sign, the flashing of the red lights, and the whole place is a-shaking with the presence of the on coming train that is yet to arrive, telling them that, though, they haven’t seen the train yet it would be there very soon. Oh, my dear friend, the train might be afar off, in a very long distance, but the flashing of those red lights and the cry from the Potter “get ready, get ready the train would soon be here, and it would wait for none when it arrives only for those that are ready”, would put everyone into desperation and alertness, who wants to board or go by that train.

Oh, my friend, what must that do to us as Christians, who know and have been told the signs of the coming of the Lord and are seeing these things happening? What must we do and how are we to conduct ourselves? We were told to lift up our eyes into the sky for our redemption draws nigh. It is at the door, closer than you think-(Luke 21:28, Mark 13:29). Awaken unto righteousness now, before it is too late-Eph5:14-17. Because, the red lights are flashing everywhere, in politics, economy, church, in every nation, on the seas, look just everywhere you can imagine. It is so glaring that if you don’t have eyes to see, your ears can hear it clear and your nose could smell it so strongly and your flesh feel its breeze of terror. Be awake now! It is later than you think. It is lamp trimming time, a time of getting ourselves free from every filthy and unclean thing. This is not the time to be moving around flirting and drinking, going to beaches and whatever pleasure you can think of. Trim your lamp, your body, consecrate it for the Lord, for that is His temple. Get away from everything that brings darkness to your body, so that you can produce a clear light to the world. If you have fallen or backslidden, it is not too late for you yet Christ is still on the throne, He still would offer you grace, get up and go up. (Eph5:1-13, Mtt5:14-16, 1Co3:16,17,6:19)

In Matt24:1-3, the disciples asked Jesus, three consecutive questions in one, which answers as given by Jesus gives us the flashing of the red lights. Don’t get confused about these questions, for they are all not referring to a single event or time. One was a national sign to only the Jews, which was about the King Solomon Temple, and that has already been fulfilled. The other two are universal signs which belong to the whole world including the Jews. And these are all fulfilled and the only thing left is the coming of the Lord, that is why the Mighty Angel of Rev 10, said “time shall be no more”. We are in the end time. But look, end time does not mean an immediate end of the world, no! But it means the time in which God allotted for this world and these events to take place is done finished. And what is left is, for Him to come and take His children that are here away in the Rapture and bring the Tribulation upon all those who failed to accept His mercy and grace. We are living in a borrowed or extra-time and this is the grace period just as it was in the days of Noah, God waited seven days after Noah had entered into the ark before sending down the rains. And do you know that after the rapture everything would go on normal and people would not even know anything about it until the tribulations begin, then they shall begin to ask and be told it has already taken place? Yes, that is the truth. Just as John the Baptist came and the people knew nothing until he was gone.

And take note that Jesus said “as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be”. The people have done lived their time out and grace was given them yet none of them took notice of it, because they were so much involved in their evil ways and could not repent and that is exactly what is happening today, and would they also not be caught in such a trap of blindness and be destroyed? People are still living in sin and enjoying themselves thinking that what the red lights are signaling are not true. But the Bible says as they were then, so shall they be today. If they were indifferent and unconcerned and tried laughing it off by having a lot of pretence which they call fun or “life” – which is death under disguise, so shall they be, until destruction comes upon them suddenly as the Bible says. (Rev22:10-11, Ezk3:27, 2Tm3:13, Mtt24:37-39, Lk17:26, 1Thess5:1-3).

In Gen6:1,2; we see some great red lights that are clear-cut signs that proves His coming. For He said as it was in those days so shall it be. The first red light that we can see there is the sign of Multiplication of people-population increase. Look at how people are increasing and covering the face of the earth until there is hardly a breathing space on the streets, and in the market places. Human traffic everywhere, despite all the records of abortion cases and the multitude of people that are taking family planning measures. Another thing which sprung up as the people increase was the issue of increase in females, for it says “and daughters were born unto them” – the women were in the increase than the men. And today we witness that the women are increasing more than the men. Out of every five births recorded in a hospital three or four are girls, see? It’s a red light flashing in our faces friend, a sign of His coming!

The third thing was that the women were very fair; they were very beautiful, pretty. No ugliness, no wonder the sons of God could not stand it and took to themselves women as they desired. And look at how women are constantly increasing in their beauty, almost every blessed day there is something new manufactured for women to make themselves pretty, if not a skinny dress or something of that type then it is a kind of a cosmetic to bleach or keep the skin attractive or an injection for the breast or the buttocks to make it look big and tantalizing. What a snare it is today as it was for the sons of God – who were actually the children of Seth, who served God, believers, but the Bible says they fell because of female flesh and bowed at the shrine of strange flesh- and no wonder they fell because it was a “free love” then, you need not to marry her or give her any much money, even in some cases it was without money or price, even married couples could get it too. And look at how so-called Christian men are falling and lusting after strange flesh today. Flirting with these demon possessed women who have even come into the church as Christians. The Bible says “they took to themselves wives”, which the original translation of the Hebrew word there was women. It was a free-love affair. You pick any as you wish and dump her if you are no longer interested in her. Nothing about marriage was said there at all. Anywhere they meet and they agree to stay together without the knowledge of their parents, they “marry” there and divorce there when their lust is done over. It was fornication all around under the disguise of “dating or courtship”. So it is today. Watch out for it is the flashing of the red lights.

Further more He gave us another Red light and that was about the days of Lot. He said “as it was in the days of Lot so shall it be.” And we see Lot’s day full of Homosexuals- illicit sex acts was on the increase. And even our day it is worse, for we hear of Catholic and Anglican Bishops who are homosexuals and those who also blesses the marriages of such people. Jesus also said “they bought, they sold” – that is business transactions on the increase as we see today. It was all about business, trading. He also added that “they planted, they builded”, and they didn’t even know when Lot went out from the city, until the fire and brimstone from heaven came and destroyed them all. See, look at how people are raising farms and building mansions, stores and others. They are all red lights of His coming.(Lk17:28-30)

One thing note worthy is what he asked us to do “remember Lot’s wife”-(Lk17:32). Why? Because, she was a believer but was worried and cared about the things of the world, she couldn’t leave them, her heart was still in them; their way of dressing, their paintings, and the parties and their make-ups were still in her heart, just as so many people today and yet they call themselves Christians and in the church, having the love of the world in them, something they do not want to believe to be the true, that they still love the world. But the Bible says remember Lot’s wife – God was telling her to get away from all that stuffs and you know better than holding unto them today – for you cannot serve two masters at the same time.-(1Jn2:15-17, Mtt6:24). You want to know what mammon is, right? They are just anything you cherish so much that you can’t even let them go, it is the world.

And remember that where your treasure is there shall your heart be. The thing of it is to seek the Kingdom and His righteousness first-(Mtt6:33,34). But Lot’s wife was seeking the world first and Jesus said “sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof”, having riches, living in pleasure and thinking you are alright and without seeking after Christ will cause you to be left behind or be found wanting on that day, because, then you shall know that none of the things you leaned unto can save your soul. They didn’t save Lot’s wife, neither would they save you too.(Mk8:35, Lk17:33)

Hence, He says we should “watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come”. The red lights are flashing and we don’t know when the train shall be in the quarters, but it is coming and it shall surely come, so let us wait patiently and expecting Him, for if He came the first time when He said He was coming then would He come this second time too. So shall it be with the coming of the Lord, though it is tarrying (Mtt24:42, Hab2:3). God bless you for heeding unto these simple warnings. Amen!


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