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Better Days Are Gone

Beloved friend I would like to ask you; what are your expectations and ambition in the world today or in this life? Are you expecting some great thing to happen or some genius to arise and bring peace and joy to this earth? Do you think there is any hope left for this world’s condition to get any better than it is now, by some kind of intervention? If your answer is yes to any of these questions then I can challenge and bet that you are bound to be greatly disappointed. There is no better thing to come but more confusion. This world has no better thing to offer us or any thing worth living for. And the good things we think they offer us are the causes of our woes or problems, which are gradually leading us to our grave and further away from God and his plan.

Science and technology are killing more people and causing more harm than good to the earth than the good they think it could offer us. No wonder Paul warned Timothy “… to avoid the opposition of science falsely so-called knowledge”(1Tm6:20). He was a prophet and he saw the harm that it shall cause. Eccl7:29 says, “God made man upright, but they have sought out many inventions”. See? How God made man and where He placed him, to live on natural things, the Bible says it was good, but man fell from that to take the idea of the devil to go after many inventions or schemes or devices, thinking that he can become like God. Man is constantly increasing in knowledge, because that was the tree he ate from in the beginning, for that was what he desired then, and he still desires it today. For the prophet Daniel was told “…people shall run to-and-fro and knowledge shall be increased”. Oh, my! and that is the cause of our woes. Man wants to have insight into everything and find solutions to every problem, but the more he tries the more harm he causes and the more confused he becomes.

Why because, he had long forgotten about God, the creator, and going in his own way. But the Bible says “lean not unto your own understanding”(Pr 3:5). Because “in much wisdom is much grief and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow”(Eccl1:18). The Bible has said it that if we try to increase knowledge we only increase grief and sorrow, so look at us today how our technology has made us become. We have hybrid every plant and animal polluted our water with chemicals, cancer is the result of all these efforts we try to put up, while we try to help ourselves.

The earth we have destroyed as we try to apply fertilizers to increase our productions. It seems to have worked for sometime but now look at the side effect, we have killed and destroyed all the nutrients in the soil, our water bodies have we also polluted, killing all the fishes in them with poisons. And we stand somewhere to ask, “why” the former days were better than these? And the Bible says it is foolish to ask such a question(Eccl7:10), because we have brought it upon ourselves, we have defiled the land by doing what the Bible says we must not do. We have destroyed all our virtues, broken womanhood and motherhood which are the back bone of every land, and fornication and prostitution have we polished and handed it to the youth, in the name of “modernism”.

We kill and abort babies in the name of family planning, for our wicked gains. No wonder the Bible says all our monies have become filthy and our gold as dross. We are now suffering hunger and thirst because all the things in nature cannot even stand the pollution, the fishes are also doing family planning so do the animals.(Isa1:21-23;Hos4:1-5) Honesty and truth, faithfulness and love are long buried and all that is left are deception and wickedness.All the moral values have been buried under the term “fashion”. And our leaders when they attain their positions by our votes when they have made their “better promises” to us only become corrupt and selfish after they have assumed office (2Pt2:17-19, 1Th5:1-11)

They are no longer mindful of the poor people who voted them in but themselves and their families alone. They no longer speak with humility and decency and are no longer courteous. They insult and debate on unnecessary issues that yield no better results. They are greedy dogs feeding themselves alone. Why won’t God allow evil upon the earth since its just like the days of Noah and Lot? The so-called Pastors and Prophets are even more than the word corrupt, giving false prophecies and speaking in the name of the Lord what He has not told them, right in the house of God. You see?(Jer5:19-31; Isa1:14)

There is no hope left for this earth, but the divine judgment of God almighty. My dear brother and sister there is nothing good to come. The mouth of the Lord had spoken it and I believe it is the truth. No one can reverse it. None can make straight what the Lord has made crooked. What have gone out from Him shall not turn to him void, but shall accomplish the purpose why He sent it.(Eccl1:15,7:13;Isa14:27,55:8-11,Num23:19)

And He had said, because, of the evil of the inhabitants of the earth, the earth shall tremble, languish and finally be destroyed. He shall not make the seasons occur as they used to be – so look at the Global warming and the effects. It doesn’t rain as it use to, according to the normal trend we use to have, floods here and there and winter freezing people to death. Man has caused it and he shall finally bring his own doom In Matthew 24, Jesus told us of the conditions this world would be in, He did not tell us there would be peace and comfort as these false prophets are making us to believe. Paul said perilous times shall come, hard times and things that would make men to sin shall abound 2Tm3; Lk17:1; Jude1:18,Matt10:34-39).

Do not be blind to these things, open your eyes wild and see clearly the things around us. For they all speak of the coming of the Lord. If you are a Christian then Jesus said if we begin to see these things “lift up your eyes into the skies for your redemption is near” Lk21:28. He didn’t say listen to any politician or any pastor who denies the truth, but to look to the skies, because the only hope left is the coming of the Lord. There is nothing to be happy about in this world as at now, for all the better days are gone. All that is left now is “BOMB”, it is no good. IT’S ABOUT TO EXPLODE! (1Pt4:7, Eph5:11-17, 2Pt3, 1Jn2:17,1Th5:1-11) So the Bible says we should be wise and redeem the time for the days are evil.Eph5:15,16. See?

Don’t be caught up in the deception of the so called prophets who prophesies only good things into your life and never tell you about the pending judgments of God. The Bible says these false prophets were to come in these last days to deceive the children of disobedience and send them to hell.2Pt2:1-3; Jude1:4; Matt24:11.

Do not follow them no matter how many miracles they perform. Sooner or later you shall see and know the truth, but if you don’t take heed and wait too long, it might be too late for you. (Heb4:7-16, Isa55:3-7)
Forget about the luxury the world is trying to offer you, it doesn’t satisfy. It is a mirage of the true comfort to come.– 1Jn2:17-21 You will not be happy in fornication forever; neither can you be happy in attending parties and discos forever. You can’t be satisfied by smoking cigarette and drinking alcohol forever neither can you be satisfied by these social gospels or prosperity sermons forever.

No! what can satisfy is to be born again, receiving the new birth and becoming a new creature of God, with His Spirit in you. And that is the hope of glory. Be wise and get away from every appearance of evil. Anything that the word of God is against, try hard to do away with it. Kill it before it kills you in hell. (1Th5:21-24, Matt6:31-34). Remember JESUS CHRIST your assurance God bless you, Amen.


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