There is nowhere in the Bible that God allowed His children to remain in the world or to mingle with the people or things of the world. He always calls for a total separation from every little thing that is contrary to His Word -(Lv11:44,19:1,2,Dt18:9-14,2Cor5:17,6:11-18,Lv18:1-5). Else, the calling is in vain-(Matt12:45,Heb6:4;10:19-39). That is why you ought to become a new creation, old things must pass away. If not then you haven’t began the journey yet- (Eph4:17-29,5:1-16;,1Pt2:11,12;3:15,16;2:20-22). When HE called Abraham, He told him to come out from among his kindred and old associates leave all that he once loved. And Abraham didn’t complain, nor ask questions, he was obedient. And the call of Abraham is the beginning of Christianity. And, “Christianity is not conformation, but a transformation, nor an impersonation, but an inhabitation”. That is why the message about the kingdom is repentance, “you must be born-again”(Jn3:3,Mk1:14,15). And repentance is changing from a bad way to a good way. We ought to be transformed, there must be a change, that all may see and testify that something has really happened to us. We don’t have to confess, but possess Christ. Don’t call yourself a Christian, but rather live as one, it is not good to blow your own horn. It was the people in Antioch that called the disciples Christians, when they saw them living their lives as Christ-Act11:25. See? Live a life that will make the people ask why, eh!, what happened?
Because, what we call Christianity today is more of belonging to an organization or something like, “this is what Pastor or Doctor So-and-so has said or says about it”. So the people are very happy about what a man says than what the Bible says. So they are now disciples or followers of men rather than followers of God. Oh, yes, that is the truth. For if they are really the followers of God they shall continue to live by the Word of God. Because, Jesus said, “if ye continue in My word, then are you My disciples indeed”-Jn8:31.
Hence, we have to continue in the word, that is taking what the Bible says alone and not the interpretation put to it by any man. And “any man, is any man”, no matter who he is whether a Pope or whosoever? For any man that preaches any other gospel or that says anything apart from what the Apostles gave to us, the Bible says, And this is even a lie for it is contrary to what the Bible says-(Eccl1:9-10, Lk17:26)
A believer is the one who believes and continues to believe in every word of God, no matter what others say about it. For he knows that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, because, he knows that they are perfect, and the word of God is of no private interpretation(Matt4:4,2Pt1:19-21). If you are a believer, you wouldn’t do those things. You do and follow such things because you are not a believer. And note that, sin is unbelief. Yes, that is what sin is(Heb3:17-19). All that you do, such as fornicating, dressing immoral and the like are not sin, but the attributes of unbelief. You do them because; you don’t believe what the word says about such things, that they that do them shall be judged, by God. You say, “oh, but am a believer”, I’m not judging you my friend, “but by their fruits ye shall know them”(Mtt7:16-18), by your manifestations, your action, by what you possess you shall be known, whether you have really repented or not. Because, your actions speak louder than what your words. Your actions are so loud till your confession cannot be heard. And remember, that, when you disbelieve God’s Word and you count it as something gone by, that the morals or virtues of the Bible is not applicable today, that the doctrines of the Apostles can’t hold today, by hearing or taking what some Pastor says, instead of the Word of God, by saying, “this is just as right or good as that”, it goes to show that you are not a believer. That’s right. If you were you shall live by the word .
Again they say, “I’m a modern woman.” Well, that’s no more than you live in a pig pen. It wouldn’t make a bit of difference to God where you lived. You are what you are in your heart. That’s right. And don’t think, sister that you’re so modern, that you’re one of these modern women, as you want to say today; you’re from a way back according to the Bible in dark ages in the antediluvian time, in the time of Noah; that’s when they did the same thing. So you’re not so very modern after all, are you? See? That’s the way they acted in the antediluvian world. And that’s the way they’re acting today, so it must be Dark Age again, back in the great dark beyond. Go back in Sodom. Don’t worry, there’s an A-bomb waiting to clean it all up (That’s right.), clean up the whole world(2Pt3:8-11,Isa34:4,Isa24,Rev20:11). It’ll do it. And then it’ll all be renewed again, like we seen under the Sixth Seal(Rev6:12-,17), for a redeemed bunch of people who has accepted the Lord Jesus, who has become Christians, who has sold out their cares and their fashions of this world and have come to Jesus Christ, and looking to Him and Him alone in His humble, simple program, to come and believe on Him and receive Eternal Life.(Isa65:17-25,Rev21:1-8) And if you say you got Eternal Life and disagree with the Bible, your Eternal Life is not the One that God gives. You’re deceived by death. That’s right.
What about you who says, “Well, I belong to the church. I’m a that; I’m a that I’ve been a charter member.” And the very spirit that’s on you is making you do the things that this Bible condemns for you to do. You say, “I spoke with tongues, Preacher. Now, don’t you get a hold of that. I spoke with tongues, and that’s the evidence of the Holy Ghost.” If your life don’t tally with the Bible, if you can still do these things the Bible says not do, you could speak with tongues all day and all night, and it still has nothing to do with God. “The tree is known by its fruit”(Mtt12:33). Remember that, if you’ve forgotten. Not to be mean or against any one but is the season that we are living, hence the message is to the hour not to any particular person.
Are you still just a church member? Have you done wrong? Search your life over today, men, and women. Look at yourself; look at your own faults. What in your present estate now… If Christ was on earth preaching this… You say, “If I’d have heard Him preach that, I would’ve repented.” If you would, this is His Word today; you’ll do it now.
If you’re without God and you know… “Oh,” you say, “I belong to church; I’ve spoke in tongues”. We’re laying that aside. Look at yourself. Check your life now with God’s Word(2Cor13:5). Are you that person, walk away and say, “I don’t care what the Bible says, Preacher man, I think you’re wrong.” It isn’t me that’s wrong. If there’s any wrong about it, it’s the Word. And you don’t know God yet, and you’re not sure that if Jesus should come at this hour that you’d be ready to go… Why would you trifle when seeing death is so close, when you see the end is so close?(2Pt3:11-18)
Now, what will you do with Jesus while the red light’s flashing? Why don’t you do this; throw down that old sack of worldly peanuts. Why don’t you throw down that old “True Story” magazine, and that old junk that you’re pulling your soul through every day. Why don’t you scoot that television in a corner, and turn it around if it’s keeping you away from church? Why don’t you lay aside every weight that so easily besets you?(Heb12:1) Why don’t you open up your heart to Christ and say, “Christ, now I’m finished? I’m making ready. I see You’re coming. I’m picking up the Suitcase, God’s Bible, that’s packed with Eternal Life, and henceforth I’ll live from It” Won’t you do it?
Darkness is always pushed to the corner or one side when the light comes, but we do not see that today. People still call themselves Christians but love the darkness than the light, because their deeds and intents and motives and desires are evil. They want to hide under the cloak of Christianity and continue to do their evil deeds. But Jesus said that is the condemnation(Jn3:19-21,1Jn1:5-7,2Pt2:16,Gal5:13). Today, man can stand in the pulpit with such an intellectual and speech making and education until they can explain the Power of the Holy Spirit away from the Bible. They have the form of godliness but deny the Power thereof. They can tell their women to put on trousers, even to the church, cut their hair, wear lipstick and eyeshades and some filthy clothes, and make them think that they are alright. Because, they say ethics changes, that is to say moral values are not static, but dynamic. And that they also vary from society to society and from generation to generation.
So what used to be moral or ethical in the days of the Apostles cannot be applied today, because, we’re in a modern world, so these things that the Apostles taught to be the morals of the Christian cannot be applied today. Oh, you see how blind much education can get you into sometimes? Yes, and these so called Pastors who are in agreement with these things are blind. It is because of too much education. Yes, it is. The Bible said so, that they shall be heady, high-minded, increase in knowledge-(2Tm3). Until today if you are not a Doctor of Philosophy or a Psychologist, you hardly become a Pastor or accepted as one. No wonder they don’t agree with the Apostles on these things, for the Bible said they were unlearned, without any education(Acts4:13). But one thing that they refuse to notice is what they had and which is the most important thing to have and which qualifies one to be a Pastor or a believer, the Holy Spirit.
And if these Pastors claim to have the Holy Spirit then they are liars, because, all those who had it later on lived and did as the Apostles, because, it is the same Spirit. But I am not amazed, because the Bible says such are false Apostles, ministers of the devil transforming themselves as angels of light-(2Cor11:12-15), foxes in sheep wool-(Mtt7:15). They are greedy dogs, thinking of their bellies-(Ph3:16 19,Rom16:17,18), and not how to prepare the flock of God for heaven. Ministers, whose destruction has been waiting for them long ago. For the Bible says they are sons of perdition, who shall come with stories they made up, sweet words— social gospels-(2Pt2:1-19,Ju3-25). They shall tell the people what their itching ears want to hear, what will favor them only, and nothing about their conduct, dressing and so forth-(1Tm4,2Tm3;4:1-5). Only lies will they tell this people and is because, that is what they also want to hear, because, they do not want to hear the truth. And God says He shall send them a great delusion so that they will also believe these lies-(2Th2:9-12,Ro1:16-32). Does God changes His mind on His word, at all?(Num23:19,Isa55:11)
Does He not know the very end from the beginning? Is the Bible, still not our code of ethics?-(Ro15:4) Didn’t God know that these things shall be in the last days? Didn’t He tell us that men shall be lovers of pleasure more than the lovers of God? And that they shall turn from the truth to listen to fables, stories and doctrines of demons? But that we that believe should stand and hold unto the faith , the doctrines handed to us by the Apostles, to the very end, for he that shall stand to the end shall be saved? (1 Tm6:20,21)
My brother and my sister, who have listened to such pastors, I don’t care who they are or the kind of miracles they perform, you’ve been deceived, for it is not he that does miracles, prophesies, but he that does the will of the Father. Come back to your senses now! For this is not a modern world, but history repeating itself. Oh, yes I can prove that by the Bible. First, Solomon said, “there is nothing new under the sun, for that which has been is that which shall be”-Ecl1:9. You can bear me out that, the clothes, shoes and the hair styles that they had in the past are the same things being brought back today. And Jesus also said as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in these last days. Have you sat down to recall how the women made themselves pretty in those days, that even the sons of God, that’s those who had the Spirit of God in them, fell? Look around, even just to yourself, if that isn’t true today. And the sons of man, the carnally minded people, without the Spirit of God in them, also became so wicked. Isn’t that true today? Look at these arm robbers and so forth, just look at the wickedness going on. Friends, we’re not in a modern world, it is those who don’t know the Bible that think so. It is even a shame to see these so-called Pentecostals also being deceived, for they are looking back into that muck that God brought them out from. They now also claim that they are rich and are in need of nothing, for their Pastors now has got Doctorate degrees. What a pity, miserable souls. Will they believe these things at all? Aren’t they going to hate us for telling them the truth, they are refusing to believe?
Be separated; be holy, for without holiness no man can see God. Let nothing draw you from the simplicity that is in Christ, be humble. Be a Christian in all things. I tell you the truth, just get the Holy Ghost once and you will see that these things I’m telling you are all true, you shall wear clothes and not put them off or be a striptease, no! When you are really born again, you shall know your place and the right thing to do. Though they shall call you silly and old fashion, and laugh at you and everything. But act like a woman, like a man. Stand like a woman! Dress like a Christian, talk like one, don’t be scared. It hurts, though, but it will pay off at the end of the road. God bless you. Amen