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Where Do I Go From Here?

Have you ever asked yourself this question before? I hope no. And if yes, did you sit down to think about that, just for a minute, in your life? For this am sure no! If yes, then I don’t think this would have been your attitude or way of life in this world. It surely proves that you don’t even believe what you claim you have believed. For asking yourself such a question and sitting down to think about it and having the right answer and being persuaded that this life is not the end of man, would have put you into desperation and make you humble and have a broken heart and a contrite spirit towards the things of God. Always walking with carefulness and gravity, that is seriousness. Because, if you are convinced, you shall also be concerned. But your way of life proves that you are not convinced that there is a place to go after this life here on earth is over.

If you say you did really sit down to think and ponder about this question, then were you fully persuaded about the answer the Bible or God gave? Or did you remain to the conviction that “when you die that is the end of you and nothing more to that, you just become wind. That, you don’t go beyond the grave. The grave is the end of every man when he dies.” So they say. Is that really true, my brother or my sister? Re-consider it, like you would do if you were about to enter into a business and you sit down to investigate it over and over again to be sure whether it is profit oriented or not. Do that in this case. Work your Bible mathematics well and be sure you have had the right answer.

You know, “most people sit down planning Christmas than they do plan their lives”. Yet “it pays to plan ahead because it was not raining when Noah built the ark”. You must make a provision before the evil day comes. Even if you don’t believe, you have heard people say there is an evil day coming, be wise and make ready for it before you appear before the Judge. Just be ready for it and be double sure like Socrates, that great Philosopher, who once said, “I have heard the Christians say there is a place called heaven, I will follow them and do what they say shall take us there, if I go and it is true I have done my part, yet, if I go and it is not true, I have not loss anything.”

We sit down to plan a whole lot of things, in fact, unnecessary things, and we forget about the most important one, which is the final destination of our souls. What will be the lot for my soul after this my body is laid in the grave? We forget to ask this question and plan for it. But we plan for our families, how to have our children, the kind of education to have or give to our children, a whole lot of vanities, even we plan for our funerals, the kind of coffin to be buried with and the kind of cemetery to be buried in and we forget about how to plan for the abode of our souls beyond the grave, we have long forgotten about the safety and honor for our souls. We consider and plan the houses we live in, the kind of bed we sleep upon and not just a minute have we thought of our souls!

So we live anyhow, go everywhere we like, do everything we feel is for our comfort and pleasure and think it is right. I just can’t stop talking about the vain things we plan for; and never remember to plan for life after the grave. Look at the time and energy you spend planning for a visa to abroad and a party and never plan for a visa to heaven and having a party with Jesus Christ. Beloved there are two places to go from here. And even our physical or natural life on earth here proves of it to be true. For we have a place where when we do well we are sent to and a place where when we do evil we are sent to. And the conditions at both places are not the same, but different. One is a place of comfort and honor and the other discomfort and dishonor.

The Bible makes it plain that “it is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting; for that is the end of all men, and the living will lay it to heart”. Do you know the house of mourning? That is a house where someone is dead and they are holding a funeral ceremony. Oh, my! That used to be the house of mourning, and it have to be. But what has it become today? A house of feasting. Instead of going to mourn, we go to share crocodile tears and drink, smoke, flirt and commit adultery. We go there to have more fun and do all sort of evil. We do not lay it to heart any longer. We are not moved or desperate when someone dies. But the Bible says that should be a great lesson to us, to bring us back to our senses to plan for that journey, knowing that we too will go on such a journey, that we shall not return. It should make us repent from our evil ways and begin to live right.

But we ignore or have ignored all these warnings that God has given to us, by these examples by these examples and we still live anyhow we like and continue in every evil that we are in. Until we even say, there is no God. Hence, there is no need to do or live right..(Ps14:1-4; Ro3:10-18; Job34:9). Don’t you worry, you just die for once and you shall see the truth in what you have heard or have been convinced of. But then it might be too late for you, like the rich fool, who also thought there is no God and went about planning for life here on earth and increased in material possession but was not rich in the things of God. He just followed his heart living a good life.(Lk12:16-31; Eccl11:9,10)

Friend, the Word of God is true and whatever He has said is there; and it shall come to pass at the right time. (Habakkuk2:1-4).You just turn and look at the prophecies of the Bible and see how they are fulfilling, it is true that “MARANATHA”, Jesus is coming soon. Why don’t you keep heed to these peaceful warnings and repent. There is a place called heaven and another called hell. They are all as real as this world is real.

Brother, people are suffering somewhere, they have really regretted of the lives they have led here on earth without taking Christ as their Lord and personal Savior and walking in His ways. Don’t wait and be told like that rich fool, “REMEMBER”, because he took it for granted. Whatever be the case you have a day that you shall or be told to remember. What you have ever done in your life shall be brought into remembrance one of these days, whether good or evil. And what ever you remember or are told to remember shall determine your position, your final destination. You can’t forget then, not even the little thing you did or the idle word you ever spoke for fun. All things shall be brought into remembrance. (Matt12:36)

Why don’t you remember the Lord now and forsake all the pleasures of the world. It’s not easy though, but if you are determined and take the DECISION, like the saints of old, God shall and He is duty bound to HELP YOU. Look, your present life now shall tell where you shall be or go when you leave this earth or when Christ comes to meet you here on the earth. Don’t just get yourself involved in anything anyhow, but sit down to count the cost. Plan for your soul and live your life for the well being of your soul, after you are gone from here or Christ comes to meet you here. You either “PAY NOW AND PLAY LATER” or you “PLAY NOW AND PAY LATER”.

As simple, as that. That is you live for Christ now and suffer with Him and His saints for the cause of the gospel and receive the gift of eternal life and crown in heaven or you go about making fun, money, friends and enjoying life in comfort and pleasure and not have time for Christ and the gospel like the rich young ruler in the Bible and later be told you fool, go and spend your eternity in hell with the murderers, prostitutes and the rest.

Decide now or go about unconcerned and whether you like it or yes you shall come to the Judge one of these days to render your account. (Matt16:24-27, Mk8:34-38, Lk17:32,33, Jn12:25, 1Jn1:8,9, Rev21:6-8, Rev22:12-17, 2Tm2:12,13) God bless you. Amen


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